heya folks? long time no see.. LOL it's been 8 months I didn't write something here. wow I swear I really miss this blog and all my stuffs here. so, this is the new one and I'm too excited right now, so yeahhh this is it!
Taukah kalian kalau..
pertama, saya sekarang adalah seorang mahasiswi Ekonomi. lol and fyi, I just finished my first semester last week. heheh it's kinda weird huh? but it's all because God is too good for me. semua hanya karena berkat Tuhan yang begitu luar biasa melimpah. :D jadi skarang saya kuliah di Universitas Sam Ratulangi (UNSRAT) Manado, dengan jurusan IBA. kedua, karena saya sudah 17 tahun, jadi bulan agustus kemarin saya sudah punya KTP pertama saya. hehehe tapi untuk saat ini ngga di foto dulu gara-gara pas foto saya disitu kurang fotogenik. *can't watch emoticon on bbm* ketiga, ehm rambut saya udah panjang lagi loh sekarang.. hahaha agak ngga penting ya? hahah biar genap 3 aja deh kalo gitu.
Quality time with Labuyz
these are some pictures spam when Julio's birthday (July 28th)
and these are when Indonesia independence day (Aug 17th)
sebenernya natal kemarin, kita masih jalan bareng tapi foto-fotonya belum di transfer kesini. nanti deh di post berikutnya yaaaa.
My new classmates
seems like I'm not going to miss this one. because they're too crazy, weird and freaks for me. LOL ya, my new classmates. D'Class 2010.
ok, check them out
mereka terlihat lucu bukan? ya, dan merekalah yang akan menjadi teman kelas saya selama saya menjadi seorang mahasiswi. hahaha amen
Another random photos from me lol
This photo was taken when I was in Dufan, a year ago. we had so much fun indeed.
and this is officially from me.
ok begini dulu aja deh post kali ini. don't forget to follow my daily tweet, for more information about me. lolyeah. oh and don't miss my next post, folks. enjoy your reading and God bless you. *hugs&kisses*
Jumat, 21 Januari 2011
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